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Edwin Aboryo
Edwin Aboryo

Bla3: Explore the Mysteries of Astrology and Egyptology

What is Bla3 and Why You Should Try It

If you are looking for a fun and effective way to learn a new language and discover a new culture, you might want to check out Bla3. Bla3 is a cultural center in Barcelona that offers a wide range of vocational courses taught in different languages. Whether you are interested in yoga, wine tasting, Thai cuisine, or salsa dancing, you can find a course that suits your taste and level at Bla3. In this article, we will explain what Bla3 is, how it works, and why it is a great option for language learners and culture lovers.

Bla3: A New Way to Learn Languages and Cultures

The Concept of Bla3

Bla3 is not a typical language school. It is a place where you can learn a language by doing something you enjoy with people who share your passion. The idea behind Bla3 is that learning a language is best done in a natural and relaxed environment, where you can interact with native speakers and practice your skills in a meaningful way. That's why Bla3 offers courses that combine language learning with cultural activities, such as cooking, dancing, art, history, and more. You can choose from several languages, such as English, French, Dutch, Catalan, or Castilian, and learn them through practical workshops that are fun and engaging.



The Benefits of Bla3

There are many benefits of learning a language with Bla3. First of all, you can improve your vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency by using the language in real-life situations. You can also learn about the culture, traditions, customs, and values of the people who speak the language. Moreover, you can make new friends and connections with people who have similar interests and hobbies. You can also enjoy the cozy and friendly atmosphere of Bla3, which is located in a renovated 200-year-old bakery in the heart of Gràcia, one of the most charming neighborhoods in Barcelona.

How to Join Bla3 and What to Expect

The Courses Offered by Bla3

Bla3 offers a variety of courses that cater to different levels, preferences, and schedules. You can find courses that last from one hour to several weeks, depending on the topic and the intensity. Some examples of courses are:

  • How to make a home-made Thai green curry (English)

  • Yoga (English, French, or Dutch)

  • Wine tasting (Castilian)

  • The history of Gràcia (Catalan or Castilian)

  • Astrology (English or Castilian)

  • Salsa dancing (Catalan or Castilian)

You can check the full list of courses on their website or follow them on social media to get updates on new courses and events.

The Teachers and the Students of Bla3

All the teachers at Bla3 are native speakers of the language they teach and are also qualified and experienced language teachers. They are passionate about their subject and love to share their knowledge and skills with their students. They also create a friendly and supportive environment where students can feel comfortable and confident to express themselves. The students at Bla3 are people who want to learn a language in a fun and interactive way. They come from different backgrounds, ages, nationalities, and professions. They are curious, open-minded, and eager to learn new things.

Bla3: A Success Story in Barcelona

The History and the Vision of Bla3The History and the Vision of Bla3

Bla3 was founded in 2021 by three friends who shared a love for languages and cultures. They wanted to create a place where people could learn languages in a different and enjoyable way, while also discovering new aspects of the city they lived in. They started with a few courses in their own apartment and soon attracted more students and teachers who joined their project. They then moved to a bigger space in an old bakery that they renovated and decorated with a lot of charm and personality. Their vision is to make Bla3 a hub for cultural exchange and learning, where people can meet, connect, and grow together.

The Future Plans and the Challenges of Bla3

Bla3 has been growing steadily since its inception and has received positive feedback from its students and teachers. They have also been featured in several local media outlets as an innovative and original initiative. They have plans to expand their offer of courses and languages, as well as to organize more events and activities for their community. Some of the challenges they face are to maintain the quality and diversity of their courses, to reach more people who might be interested in their concept, and to cope with the uncertainty and restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Conclusion and FAQs

Bla3 is a cultural center in Barcelona that offers a new way to learn languages and cultures. By combining language learning with cultural activities, Bla3 provides a fun and effective method for improving your skills and knowledge. You can choose from a wide range of courses taught by native speakers who are also passionate about their subject. You can also enjoy the cozy and friendly atmosphere of Bla3, where you can make new friends and connections with people who share your interests. If you are looking for a different and enjoyable way to learn a language and discover a culture, you should definitely try Bla3.

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  • Q: How much does it cost to join a course at Bla3?

  • A: The prices vary depending on the type, duration, and frequency of the course. You can check the prices on their website or contact them directly for more information.

  • Q: How can I register for a course at Bla3?

  • A: You can register online through their website or in person at their center. You will need to fill out a form with your personal details and your level of the language you want to learn. You will also need to pay a deposit to secure your spot.

  • Q: What do I need to bring to a course at Bla3?

  • A: You don't need to bring anything special to a course at Bla3, except for your enthusiasm and curiosity. Depending on the course, you might need to bring some materials or equipment, such as a yoga mat, a notebook, or an apron. The teacher will inform you beforehand if you need anything.

  • Q: Can I get a certificate or a diploma after completing a course at Bla3?

  • A: Bla3 does not issue any official certificates or diplomas for its courses. However, you will receive a certificate of attendance from the teacher that states the name, level, and duration of the course you completed.

  • Q: Can I suggest or request a course that is not offered by Bla3?

  • A: Yes, you can. Bla3 is always open to new ideas and suggestions from its students and teachers. If you have a specific interest or skill that you want to learn or share with others, you can contact them and propose your idea. They will evaluate it and see if they can make it happen.


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